About Us

KKD Precision Shooting was founded with the following key principles:

Safety:  Every facet of our training emphasizes the gravity of safe handling, operation, and storage of your firearm.  Whether you are a beginner or experienced shooter, proper and official training is not only crucial but essential to sharpening this skill.

Courtesy:  No tough-talking types here, just passionate NRA Certified Instructors  with years of experience in instruction and firearm training.  

Education:  Our Instructors are equipped with continuous education courses, and advanced range sessions. We strive to be industry experts, fostering the philosophy of education and development as professionals detailed in a safe and non threating environment.  

From a beginner, or experienced shooter. KKD Precision Shooting can assist you along your journey to improving your technique. If you’re looking for firearm safety training, enroll today. We pride ourselves on personalized service and commitment to firearm safety.

One-on-One Training

We offer one-on-one private training for those seeking to learn firearm safety and operation without the distraction of others.

Your Safety, Confidence, and Satisfaction are our Top Priority